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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I don't rember my face before surgery
  • 2020-07-23 hit.15,863
  • Writer : Lim**

I have been considering doing double jaw surgery since from senior of high school. My middle face, chin, and forward pretty long compared to others I felt like I have a horse face. When I get older my baby fat is gone that I start to get stress about my face shape. Also, my bite was not aligning that bothers me sometimes when I eat food!


The biggest reason I chose the EU among many hospitals was that it was an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Rather than a plastic surgery hospital, I definitely thought it was a hospital that aligns my bite and found natural beauty. After three years of comparing photos of before and after surgery, I chose the EU. The pictures showed the skills of the doctors who made patients' faces look like they were originally themselves so that they wouldn't overdo it. Also, EUs doctor can easily see through Instagram and YouTube. When I saw Dr.Shin, it felt like I was seeing a celebrity. I have been convinced of the hospital by looking at the EU website and photos of real models for 3 years, so I got my first consultation and set a date for surgery.



Post OP 1 day

My tailbone hurts so much because I can't lie down properly when I sleep. The nurse told me that I shouldn't sleep for five hours(?) after surgery, but I fell asleep. Maybe that's why the swelling is so bad. I slept for 10 minutes and woke up for 20 minutes. I've never seen such a long dawn. I grabbed the trash can because I felt nauseous, and when I lay down again, I got nose bleeds and I grabbed the trash can again.


Post OP 2 days

The swelling is getting worse. I woke up because of the swelling. I can feel the heat on my face and the nosebleeds keep coming out. My tailbone keeps hurting, too. How can I sleep like this for a week? I can't shut my mouth because my face is swollen. My saliva keeps flowing.


Post OP 3 days

I discharged from the hospital and came home. Even though I came home I am still suffering from the surgery. No matter how positive I try to think, I don't want to do anything when I look at the mirror. I just hope the swelling goes down quickly. My eyes look fiercer and I'm so stressed because of the swelling!! I started to drink pumpkin juice while drinking soy milk. It doesn't seem to have much effect on swelling. At night, I took a walk for about an hour.


Post OP 4 days

I visited the hospital for deswelling laser treatment. I feel like my face will be exploding it soon because of the swelling! When I look at the EU homepage review, I feel like I am the only one who swells a lot! I need to go to a part-time job from next month but I am so worried that my ace will be swelling like this even after 1 month later.


Post OP 5days

I saw my face in the morning and it swells a lot that I realize that I should do something to less swelling. Originally, the hospital told me not to apply a warm pack on my face because I might get burned, but it was a swelling that seemed like I wouldn't get rid of if I didn't do anything. I even did the LED mask that I have at home for morning and night. Then for the first time, there was a bruise under my eyes and chin. Before I go to bed, I feel less bloated. I want to eat delicious food as soon as possible.


Post OP 6 days

The bruises go down than yesterday. My neck color turned in to the green. I want to lie down and sleep as soon as possible because I have the hardest time sleeping. I wish I could get rid of my swelling quickly and put makeup on. I miss my jawline a little bit. To do that, I must take a walk tomorrow.


Post OP 8 days

I visited the hospital today and the doctor removed the stitches out my cheekbone area. I thought it will be painful but it was fine. The doctor did dressing inside of my mouth and I got deswelling laser treatment today! I hope my face to be deswelling soon so I can have a skinner face!


Post OP 10 days

Clearly, swelling and bruising are disappearing since I am getting a deswelling laser treatment every day these days. Today, I ate green tea latte and ice cream together and it was really delicious. And I took off the rubber band in my mouth because I got used to the way to bite wafers with the right position. I want to hang out with my friends with makeup. I want to dye my hair to a color I've never tried before.


Post OP 17 days

I climbed the mountain after six years due to reducing my face swelling. Surely my face looks less swollen in the evening than in the morning. I hope my philtrum swelling goes away quickly so I can see my upper teeth when I smile! I think I can put on makeup if my face becomes a little more natural. On the 2nd week, I have been eating various foods after removing the stitches. Eating porridge and buying a whole plate of cheesecake. LOL. Yogurt and sweet potatoes are also good combinations. If you eat it with sweet potatoes and soy milk, you can easily crush it with the roof of your mouth and get full. Tomorrow I'm going to microwave a little bit of MonCher and eat it. I'm going to eat homerunball with soy milk. I'm looking forward to eating tomorrow.


Post OP 23 days

When I wake up in the morning, my face is swollen and I look much better before I go to bed. I need to get rid of the swelling on the philtrum and the side of my nose so I can take off the mask. Still, the profile looks more natural than the previous one. The upper lip went up a little. I'm trying to think that time will solve my problems even though I'm under a lot of stress because of the swelling. But my face has definitely gotten a lot smaller. Dad said that my face got so small that he was surprised sometimes when he passes by me. When the swelling goes down, I persevere, thinking that my face will naturally become smaller. These days, it is good that there are many things to eat. Even though I cannot chew, but I roll bread or cheesecake in my mouth, melt soy milk, porridge, and sweet potato. It really tastes it!.


Post OP 27 days

The jawline area seems to have lost a lot of swelling. I think the time is the answer because the philtrum and the front cheek deswelling reduce very slowly. I ordered a fox tea because it helps reduce swelling. I think the swelling goes down quickly if I drink it, but it doesn't last. I have to eat it every day so that I don't look bloated at night. First, I try to drink often as much as I can. I want to work again as soon as possible when my face becomes natural.


Post OP 33 days

It has been 3 days after removing wafer and start braces. I really like my small face shape and I do not look muscular anymore. My cheek and philtrum still swelling but when I explain to people that I extract wisdom teeth, they just trust me!


Post OP 42 days

I dont know why but my check and philtrum area feel stiff so I try my best to do jaw exercise! After that, I feel like I can open my mouth wider and muscles getting much smoother than before. But recently I visit the dentist and the doctor told me that I should do jaw exercise much often due to open my mouth wide as before.


Post OP 49 days

I took a picture without a filter! I really like to see my face without swelling! Even a week ago when I do the makeup I feel like a little girl trying to pretend to be an adult but after deswelling, I look good with makeup! But I still need to do shading on my check area cause of the swelling.


Post OP 50 days

I took selfie again because I really like my make up today. Also when I look at my jawline from the line it looks really good! I hope all the swelling goes away soon!


Post OP 60 days

It seems that the swelling goes down a bit more suddenly after a period of stagnation. The day before yesterday, I visited the dentist to attach the device on my teeth that I couldn't attach to my molar because it was swollen. I was able to attach the entire calibration in a month. It's uncomfortable not to eat properly, but it'll hold out when I think about the teeth that will be neatly gathered later.Also, my friends told me that outcome of the surgery looks really good and I look very natural like I born with this face shape.


Post OP 86 days

When taking pictures, my jawline is well defined and the philtrum is less swollen. It's certainly until post-op 3 months I look less swollen and pretty when I take pictures. I want to advise to people to check face shape well before surgery. You must need to understand your face, such as the location of your eyes, the location of your cheekbones, and the length of your philtrum so that you can get closer to the face shape you want. As the swelling goes down these days, I'm looking forward to seeing my final face shape even though I already satisfied with my face. After surgery, I love to take pictures with a smile since it does not show my upper teeth that much! 

Post OP 4 Months

I can't chew perfectly because I'm getting orthodontic treatment, but now I can chew meat and some hard stuff! Also, my make-up style has been changed too before surgery I did many of shading on my chin area.  Also, I'm satisfied with my face shape. If you look at the old picture, I definitely have a long and angular face shape just like a horse. I am glad that I do not have those appearances anymore!


Post OP 5 Months

The small swelling is almost gone which I thought was fat on my face and the face line has become more accurate. Even when I wake up in the morning, I feel less swollen now. Until last month, I always tried to get rid of my swelling with pumpkin juice, but these days, I feel like I'm naturally going away after a few hours even when I wake up in the morning. And my confidence has increased even when I don't put makeup on. I realize once more how important of the facial shape it is. I want to get rid of the pins around summer vacation, but I am scared because I have to get general anesthesia again, but I want to get rid of the pins that appear on the CT as soon as possible.


Post OP 6 Months

I want to try different hairstyles that I never tried. Since I used to feel under pressure about my face shape, I had limited hairstyles to apply to me. However, now I can freely challenge anything. Most of all, the long chin made me look masculine, but now it is definitely I have a soft impression. I hope the braces end soon!!


Post OP 7 Months

I got a lot of Instagram DM after the surgery, and I went to the hair salon to get my hair done and got my hair done for free. Since hairdresser asked me to be a model since I have good appearance ^__^ It may be scary and nervous to do the operation at first, but how good it is to be able to live with the face I want in my life. These days, I'm thinking about when I should remove the pin. I want to get rid of pins on my face and be confident when I go to the hospital. LOL! I've heard that my face is really small, and I like it because it's natural. University did not start yet, but most of my friends say that I look so beautiful that they can't remember my old face when I meet them. I really appreciate the doctor.



Post OP 8 Months

I think all swelling is gone on my face. I will extract wisdom teeth and do pin removal surgery next month! I am so nervous!


Post OP 9 Months

I did pin removal surgery week again and I did not do stitch out yet. Definitely, pin removal seems less worried because it shows less swelling than jaw surgery. Still, I hope the time passes quickly as medical staff told me that minor swelling lasts from 6 months to 1 year. It's so nice that there's no pin in my face and I want to chew hard food!


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